Thursday, January 27, 2011


Blogging is not for the faint of heart which is why I'm posting the pics from this week, not John. Here are they are!

Some of the guys at a club we went to after the game last weekend. Time for a comparison picture...

Yes a little different at face value, but no matter where you go football guys find a way to have a good time.

The field where the Juniors practice. It is essentially the grass-less left-field of a baseball field. These kids show up every Wednesday and Friday, though. They love the game.

Los Tres Pioners belated Christmas card

That's all for now. Our game starts at 4 P.M. local time so that's 10 A.M. for you east coasters and a early 7 A.M. start for you left coasters. Word is the Pagliaro's are hosting a pre-game tailgate via skype starting two hours before the game. Be sure to tune in to the game here...

Next post coming after the game.


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